
Human Factors and Error Management

7 Lessons
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Our Human Factors course meets the requirements of EASA GM-145.A.30(e).

Please take each module in order. First, start with the pre-test questions. These do not count towards your pass mark. They are simply a way for you to find out what you already know. Then, watch the short video tutorial and finally answer the post test questions. The post test questions count towards your overall pass mark, so please pay close attention to the video content. A pass mark of 75% is required to gain your certificate.

Please follow this process for the remaining seven modules. In total, the whole course should take around one and a half hours to complete. You do not have to watch all the videos at the same time, the system remembers your progress for the next time you log on.

In the first module we shall introduce you to the concept of Human Factors and Error Management and start our discovery into the world of aviation safety.

Sujatha de Poel
Online Teacher

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